Bianca Jagoe | Illustration + Design
Illustration + Design


Things I Love Thursday

Starting fresh; postcards to strangers; new stationery; pink (?); eucalyptus lollies; Morrissey; nachos; Dollhouse; Treasure Trove Thursday (I seem to find all the best stuff from the interwebs on Thursdays); Post Crossing; scones (even if the first batch were overdone and the second were underdone) with jam and cream; gourmet food @ camping; camp-fire scented; camping in general; receiving mail; The Chaser's return; Clive Pugh; distant vague travel plans; five minute phone conversations with my ma; my Nanna's chutney, jam, salmon noodle cakes, falafel, hummus and herbs she sent us home with from our visit; orange blossom pashmak; these intensely creepy ads;

and these half-tint sunglasses (at $10US I am seriously considering a pair);