Illustration + Design


Drawing | For Mum

After I made a card for my sister for her birthday I thought I should probably draw one for my mum as well (considering that I am sending them a package together). I love giving gifts. My mum used to get angry with me when I was a kid because I'd save up all my pocket money to buy presents for my friends. It just makes me feel good to put together a really good present for someone who deserves one.

My mum is an avid gardener and can tell you the scientific names of a hundred different plants off the top of her head. She is also a friend to tiny creatures and always taught us not to kill spiders or hurt bugs. She probably doesn't get to get out in the garden as much as she'd like to these days. The house where I grew up (and where we had our picnic) is pretty much an acre of garden.

I drew the card in Photoshop with my graphics tablet then had it printed at Officeworks (because my printer is doing awful things to everything I try to print on it).

Apologies for the grainy pictures - my camera and night time hate each other.