Bianca Jagoe | Illustration + Design
Illustration + Design


Weekly Thrift


Over the weekend C and I took a drive to the Evandale Markets and yesterday we visited four opshops. It has been good to plan something for each day so that it isn't spent sitting around twiddling our thumbs waiting. These are some of our secondhand finds from the past few days.

+ Pretty vintage pillow cases and sheets. Can never pass these up when opshopping.

+ A cute abacus (I'd like to start an abacus collection) and a little cat alphabet book.

+ A full set of vintage wooden alphabet blocks for $4. I felt so lucky finding these and would have paid a lot more for them!

+ C found this cat embroidery and had to buy it.

+ Japanese paper coasters.

+ Two sweet dolls. The one on the right has a cute little cameo necklace and leather shoes.

+ Another cat piece C couldn't pass up. I love how grumpy and unphotogenic the picture is.

I have a doctors appointment on Thursday where we'll talk about when/whether to induce. That's also the day my parents arrive (I think my mum had been hoping to not be around for the birth, haha). I have already tried most of the old wives tales about bringing on labour (e.g. eating pineapple, sitting on a fit ball constantly, walking lots, etc) - of course, I don't want to stray into the realm of things that could potentially be harmful. I am not hugely impatient about it (every time I feel a tiny bit of pain I think "no, I'm not ready!") but sleeping is really difficult so I'd rather that it was sooner than later. My Autumnal baby is quickly turning into a Winter one. C thinks we should have him induced on his birthday (so that it negates his birthday and he doesn't have to have one anymore) on June 3rd. That date feels so far away!

Today I've been baking and cleaning the house and we had some friends over for a cup of tea and went for a little bike ride. Tomorrow maybe we'll go see The Great Gatsby. What else to do?!